Actv:Scroll the active data file. File:Load/save data, format, screen, directory. Data:Re-draw screen, plotter/printer, line type.Grid:Set up grid options, error bars on/off. Text:Set up graph text, legend, annotation. Size:Set up various graph size options. Colr:Change graph colors. Mani:Data manipulation routines. fUnc:Generate a data file with a math function. Quit:Quit this program. file 1:Select data file for position 1. file 2:Select data file for position 2. file 3:Select data file for position 3. file 4:Select data file for position 4. file 5:Select data file for position 5. Format:Save/load the present graph format. Screen:Save/load the present screen. Direc :Set default data directory. Reset :Reset graph format to default settings. Save:Save the present graph format. Load:Load a new graph format. Save:Save the current screen to disk. Load:Load a screen file. Display now:Display the graph on the screen. Clear scree:Clear the screen. Make a plot:Send graph to plotter or file. Prnt screen:Print the screen on printer. Graph mode :Select graph redraw mode. Line type :Select the active data line type. Auto scale :Set auto-scale on/off. Plotter:Send graph to the plotter. File :Send graph to a disk file. Full plot:Create the entire graph. Data only:Plot the data only, no graph. Pnts:Plot one point for each data pair. Line:Plot a solid line. Dotd:Plot a dotted line. dAsh:Plot a dashed line. ddsH:Plot a dot-dash line. Fill:Plot a line, fill in underneath. Symb:Plot a symbol at each data point. Thik:Set data line extra thick on/off. Bar :Draw a bar graph (bar graph data only). Emty:Draw the bar outline. Fill:Draw a solid bar. hshL:Draw a bar with left slant lines. hshR:Draw a bar with right slant lines. Crss:Draw a bar with hatched fill. Off:Turn extra thick lines/filled symbols off. oN :Turn extra thick lines/filled symbols on. Circ:Draw a circle at data point. Box :Draw a box at data point. Tria:Draw a triangle at data point. Diam:Draw a diamond at data point. Hexa:Draw a hexagon at data point. Off:Turn new file auto-scale off. oN :Turn new file auto-scale on. X axis grids:Set the number of X axis grids. Y axis grids:Set the number of Y axis grids. x axis Type :Set the X axis grid type. y axis tyPe :Set the Y axis grid type. x Linear log:Set X axis linear/log scaling. y liNear log:Set Y axis linear/log scaling. ticK type :Set the X or Y axis tick type. Error bars :Set error bars on/off. Major:Set major X axis grid type. miNor:Set minor X axis grid type. None:No grids. Xmin:Tick marks on bottom X axis. xMax:Tick marks on Top X axis. Both:Tick marks on bottom and top X axis. Dotd:Dotted line across graph. dAsh:Dashed line across graph. Soli=Solid line across graph. Major:Set major Y axis grid type. miNor:Set minor Y axis grid type. None:No grids. Ymin:Tick marks on left Y axis. yMax:Tick marks on right Y axis. Both:Tick marks on left and right X axis. Dotd:Dotted line across graph. dAsh:Dashed line across graph. Soli=Solid line across graph. Linear:Use linear scaling. loG :Use logarithmic scaling. X axis:Set X axis tick type. Y axis:Set Y axis tick type. Inward :Draw tick marks inward. Outward:Draw tick marks outward. Across :Draw tick marks across axis. Axis labels:Set placement of axis grid labels. axis Titles:Edit axis titles. Legend edit:Edit or toggle on/off legend. Text block :Select/on/off text file block. Manual type:Manually place labels on graph. manual Draw:Manually draw on graph. Edit annot :Edit current manual labels. Clear annot:Delete all user labels/lines. Pge-up=superscript on, Pge-down=superscript off.Pge-down=subscript on, Pge-up-subscript off. None:Don't draw any grid labels. Botm:Draw grid labels on bottom X axis. Top :Draw grid labels on top X axis. None:Don't draw any grid labels. Left:Draw grid labels on left Y axis. Rite:Draw grid labels on right Y axis. Left:Edit left Y axis title. Rite:Edit right Y axis title. Top :Edit top X axis title. Botm:Edit bottom X axis title. Edit:Edit legend labels, place legend on graph. Off :Turn auto-update legend off. oN :Turn auto-update legend on. neW:Select new text file for text block. Off:Turn text block off. oN :Turn text block on. Hori:Type horizontal labels. Down:Type vertical down labels. Up :Type vertical up labels. Lines:Draw straight lines on graph. Boxes:Draw boxes on graph. cursor Zoom:Use the cursor to zoom in on data. Axis endpts:Set the axis endpoints. axis Offset:Set the axis offsets. Decimal pnt:Set decimal point for grid labels. Label size :Set the size of grid labels. Title size :Set the size of axis titles. Graph size :Use the cursor to set graph size. Screen mode:Change screen video mode. Back color :Set the screen background color. View color :Set the graph background color. Graph color:Set the graph grids color. Data color :Set the active data color. Label color:Set the grid labels color. Annot color:Set the user text/line color. Menu color :Set the regular menu color. Key color :Set the menu highlight key color. Order :Sort the X or Y data. Spline :Perform a spline interpolation. Massage :Smooth the data. Normalize:Normalize the data to new range. Integrate:Integrate the data. Differnti:Differentiate & smooth the data. Poly regr:Perform a polynomial regression. Linr regr:Perform a linear regression. sort X:Sort the X data. sort Y:Sort the Y data. Select a color to use. Select the brightness of the color. Cga :640x200 2 colors. Herc:720x348 2 colors (requires EZGherc). ega1:640x200 16 colors. ega2:640x350 4 colors. ega3:640x350 16 colors. Mcga:640x480 2 colors. Vga :640x480 16 colors. X-axis:Set the X-axis endpoints. Y-axis:Set the Y-axis endpoints. X-axis:Set the X-axis offsets. Y-axis:Set the Y-axis offsets. X-axis:Set decimal point for X-axis labels. Y-axis:Set decimal point for Y-axis labels. X-axis:Set placement of X-axis labels. Y-axis:Set placement of Y-axis labels.